NeS Team

The objective of the team is to inform societal choices about environmental issues, resilience and social equity, by proposing and improving impact assessment methodologies. The team strives to address these broad issues through appropriate mathematical models, dynamic simulations, scenario-building, real experiments and interactive presentations.

It is structured around three axes:

  • Using digital technology to support the transition to strong sustainability
  • Understanding the socio-environmental impacts of digital technology, and helping others to do the same
  • Teaching transitions

The research domain of the NeS team

Sustainable ICT, systemic modeling, foresight and scenarization, data visualization

Main fields of application

AI, digital infrastructures (networks, HPC, etc.), agricultural models, education


Permanent researchers

  • Aurélie Bugeau : Full professor in computer science at University of Bordeaux
  • Olivier Gauwin : Associate professor in computer science in computer department of IUT Bordeaux
  • Gaël Guennebaud : Confirmed researcher at Inria
  • Nicholas Journet : Associate professor in computer science in computer department of IUT Bordeaux
  • Anne Vialard : Associate professor in computer science at University of Bordeaux

PhD students

  • Pierre La Rocca : environmental impacts of digital infrastructure